FABRA UK represents an industry employing over 2,000 workers that collects and processes over 2 million tonnes of animal by-products every year and operates across 19 sites in the UK.
FABRA UK is the Foodchain and Biomass Renewables Association which represents companies that process animal by-products (ABPs) into valuable raw materials and energy contributing to the overall sustainability of food production.
We are members of the European Fat Processors & Renders Association (EFPRA) and represent our members at EFPRA Council and Technical meetings. We are also members of the World Rendering Association (WRO).
FABRA UK is the UK’s leading authority on the use, value and biosecurity of animal by-products and edible co-products generated by the animal-based food industry. We work closely with regulators, livestock producers, food business operators and retailers across the UK and the EU.
We advise our members on the legislative requirements for animal by-products, food safety, environment, energy and health and safety and devise industry guidance and best practice.
The UK’s leading authority on the use, value and biosecurity of ABPs
About Our Members
Our members are responsible for processing the majority of the UK animal-based food industry’s by-products, which amounts to over 2 million tonnes per year and are committed to the promotion of biosecurity in a low-carbon Foodchain.
They play an established and essential role in a sustainable animal-based food supply chain and assist supply chain stakeholders in achieving the highest levels of sustainability from farm to fork, bringing benefits such as optimal use of resources, waste minimisation, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, minimising nutrient leakage and avoiding deforestation.
These sustainability benefits are achieved by recovering valuable animal fats, proteins and renewable energy from these materials. The derived products have a wide variety of low carbon applications in animal feeds, pet food, fuels, fertilisers and raw materials for the chemical industry.