
Protecting Human and Animal Health

If animal by-products (ABPs) are not managed appropriately they present a serious health risk. ABPs consist of microbiologically active material that may also contain pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, protozoa, parasites, prions, toxins, drug residues, and other chemicals. 

These active materials must be reduced to safe levels, eliminated, or sequestered to minimize their potential hazard.

The primary purpose of treating or disposing of ABPs is the protection of environmental, animal and public health against these potential microbiological threats.

Rendering breaks the disease cycle, making the material safe and available for reuse in a range of applications. At times of crisis, FABRA UK renderers provide essential, secure animal disease control and waste disposal services to Government and its agencies.

See more in our Factsheet FABRA-FS-005 Animal By-products and Biosecurity 

Figure 1 - Rendering breaks the disease cycle