UK Consultation on Livestock Feed Controls Review - England and Wales - Feb 2025

The Livestock Feed Controls Review regards proposals for the removal of the UK prohibition on feeding non-ruminant farmed animals, other than fur animals, with protein derived from non-ruminant animals and insects.

The legislation reapproving the use of Processed Animal Proteins (PAPs) in pig and poultry diets in the EU entered into force on 8th September 2021. Stakeholders across the UK livestock sector, animal feed industry, meat processors and retailers are now assessing the UK Government’s consultation on amending the same prohibition in UK law.

PAPs are a solution to finding more sustainable, highly nutritious animal feeds and offer a low carbon protein alternative to soybean for animal feed. The UK’s circular economy ambitions add significant weight to amending the rules on the use of PAPs in farmed animal feed which is in accordance with DEFRA’s Food & Drink Waste Hierarchy.

Our members produce PAPs, and we support their reintroduction into pork and poultry diets. The EU recognised that legislative changes must include reliable protein testing strategies, robust controls and give appropriate assurances to support trade. The UK Government assessed the health risks ahead of the UK consultations and is satisfied that suitable controls, now used in the EU are available to address matters.

PAPs are produced from safely sourced and traceable animal by-products derived from healthy slaughtered animals fit for human consumption or food processing. This eliminates the possibility of intra-species consumption, and the highest standards of hygiene and traceability mean our products are safe and suitable as healthy ingredients for animal feed.

The animal by-products processing sector has an established and essential role in enhancing the sustainability of the animal-based food supply chain, bringing benefits such as optimal use of resources, waste minimisation, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, minimising nutrient leakage and avoiding deforestation by utilising local materials that would otherwise be waste. The reauthorisation of PAPs in animal feed will add this optimal outlet for our low carbon products and close the circular bioeconomy loop.

FABRA UK’s Factsheet “Livestock Feed Controls Review - FABRA-FS-010” discusses the background of the prohibition and the sustainability merits of PAPs. FABRA UK has also prepared a series of questions and answers to help interested parties understand more about PAPs. These cover issues such as:

·       the legal rules and regulations
·       how PAPs are produced
·       what it means for consumers
·       how animal safety is maintained at all stages of the supply

You can download a copy of the questions and answers here.

Additional information is available from our counterparts at the European Fat Processors and Renderers Association (EFPRA) which has a range of material about the removal of the EU feed prohibition.

If you have any comments or questions on this response, please contact us.


FAQs about PAPs