Chairman’s Update – June 2024

It’s time to take a moment and review the first six months of 2024.

At the beginning of the year the first phase of the Border Target Operating Model (BTOM) was introduced for imports to the UK. There have been some teething problems as you would expect, but the introduction of the changes in staggered phases has been easier to manage than the post Brexit experience of Health Certificates and Physical Checks on our exports being mandatory from Day One. There is still some work to do to complete the process and some unanswered questions in relation to movements of material to Great Britain from the Republic of Ireland.

The review of UK Best Available Techniques (BAT) for preventing and minimising the environmental emissions and impacts from our industry is one of the most important challenges we face and has now commenced, with an introductory meeting and the first questionnaire to complete. This will set the scene for discussions to come and FABRA’s members will be preparing for participation in the Technical Working Group activities later this year. The process will define mandatory standards for emissions, consumptions, management systems and processing techniques for rendering and slaughterhouses.

The UK General Election in July is already having an impact on our work as Government Departments withdraw from meetings and consultations in accordance with Civil Service rules. However, we are pleased to note that the UK’s application for Negligible BSE Risk Status is still on track to be submitted  at the end of July 2024. Unfortunately, the planned consultations on potential amendments to the Animal By Products Regulations to allow for non-ruminant (pork and poultry) PAP to be reintroduced into certain animal feeds will have to wait. We will be contacting Ministers as soon as they are in post after the Election to chase this up and to discuss the issues of energy taxes and Net Zero, which remain challenging for the sector.

Sustainability remains a widely debated topic and FABRA has contributed data to a European study to review the carbon footprint of rendered products. This updates an earlier study and also looks at the footprint of ABP derived protein meals and fats compared to plant sources. FABRA’s Technical Advisor has also been active in the Sustainability Committee of our European counterparts – EFPRA. Below is a link to their interactive Sustainability Charter. 

Jane Brindle

List of Acronyms

ABP – Animal By ProductsBAT – Best Available Techniques
BTOM - Border Target Operating Model
DEFRA – Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
EFPRA – European Fats and Proteins Rendering Association
PAP – Processed Animal Protein


Chairman’s Update - December 2024